Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Happy New Year folks!

Wishing you all a healthy and prosperous 2013!

I brought in the New Year with my husband at home.  We worked on a list of goals for 2013, some of which relate to our eating habits.  For example, we have decided that in 2013 we will eat no more than 16 take-aways in total, that we will eat at the dinner table 80% of the time and that we will endeavour to stick to our weekly menu plan. 

More specifically relating to my blog, I aim to have a minimum of 2 posts per week.  While I started off quite good last year in terms of posting, I found it difficult to keep up the momentum.  Hopefully I'll find it easier to find the time to write two posts per week. 

After Christmas we all went to stay at my parents house for a couple of days.  While looking round the shops I found a magnetic 'to do list' for the fridge with a white board pen.  It was 89 pence - bargain!  I bought it as it had enough spaces for me to write my menu plan for the week.  The idea is that I will put a copy of my menu plan on it each week and it will hopefully prompt us to lift anything we need for dinner out of the freezer the night before we need it.  If it works it will definitely go a long way towards helping us stick to our weekly menu plan as the number one reason that we deviate from the plan is because we have forgotten to lift one of the main ingredients out of the freezer.  Here's hoping!!

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