Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Hello again!

As you can see I have been absent for quite a while again.  It’s been very busy here in the Craftycook household with me adjusting to being at home with the kids.  Just when I was getting into a routine the summer holidays sneaked up on me and I had to adjust the routine again!

We are still planning our menus and doing our shopping lists, but I haven’t had the time to post them.  Or rather, I’ve used the time when I should be posting my menu plans to do other things!  Lately those other things include spending a large portion of my evening watering the vegetables in my garden.  This has been much more important than normal due to the excessively hot weather we’ve been experiencing here in Ireland!  Last summer my garden was well watered by rainfall. 

This year I was a bit late getting the seeds that I wanted to grow into the ground, but I’ve managed to use quite a bit of what I’ve grown in our meals already.  I’ve also frozen some peas which were ready to eat at a future date.  We are heading off for a week on Saturday and if I had left them on the plants the pods would have gone leathery and the peas inside would have been starchy and not nice to eat. 

To freeze the peas I follow the instructions on the website.  I blanched them in boiling water for 90 seconds before plunging them in ice cold water for a further 90 seconds.

I then drained then and bagged them in Ziploc bags.  The 'grow your own' website had a recommendation for removing the air from bags before freezing them.  It suggests inserting a straw into an opening in the Ziploc bag and then closing the bag up to the straw.  Once you do that you use the straw to suck the air out of the bag can carefully close it.  I found that once I had removed the air if I continued sucking while slowly pulling the straw out of the bag and keeping my fingers poised to close the bag when the straw came out I was able to seal the bag without letting too much air back into it.  I hadn’t thought of doing this last year when I was freezing some of my green beans and some of them ended up getting a bit of freezer burn.  I will definitely be using this method again when I am freezing more of my vegetables later in the year.

My peas ready to freeze!

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