Thursday 22 March 2012

The disorganisation continues...but not for long!

So my excuse for this past week?  Well, my husband took me to Paris for the weekend so all good intentions of sorting out a meal plan for the week promptly went out the window.  Good excuse really, but there will be no more trips anywhere if I don't get my act together and start planning my meals for the week and sticking to a shopping list again!
So, to refresh myself my shopping budget for the week is €130.  This is to include formula and nappies for the baby.  I recently stocked up on nappies and formula, so I shouldn't have to buy either of them for a while so hopefully I'll be under budget.  I've decided that any money that I 'save' from the budget each week will go into our savings account.  Hopefully it will start to accumulate quickly!!

So to kick myself back into kitchen control action, here is my meal planner for next week:-

Saturday lunch - sandwiches
Saturday dinner - Lentils with chorizo and red wine
Sunday lunchCrab and sweetcorn chowder
Sunday dinnerHerb and lemon pock chops, baby potatoes and green beans
Monday dinner - Crab linguine with chilli and parsley
Tuesday dinner - Oven-baked leek and bacon risotto
Wednesday dinner - Chicken wraps
Thursday dinner - Sausages with creamy lentils
Friday dinner - Mince and onions (from freezer) with mash potato

I have my shopping list done, ready for me to go and pick up the ingredients I need tomorrow night. 

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