Tuesday 31 January 2012

Grocery shopping - meal planner 31/1/2012 to 3/2/2012

Short week for the meal plan this week as we were away for a few days.  So, the plan for this week is as follows:-

Tuesday dinner - Salmon, broccoli and potatoes
Wednesday dinner - Stir fry
Thursday dinner - Chicken stew (from freezer) and mash
Friday dinner - Fish, chips and peas (all from the freezer)

For lunches I will be making the black bean and chorizo soup I made last week (I have all of the ingredients in), salad and ham sandwiches.

As I'm off on Tuesday (today - better get a move on!) I bought ingredients to do a load of batch cooking for the baby.  I will be making a few recipes from the Annabel Karmel website:-
I'll be freezing these in portions to give to the baby in the evenings when I get in from work.  As well as this, I will be giving him some finger foods over the next week including strips of chicken, plum and ripe pear.

 This week I spent € 60.44 in Dunnes and just under € 10 in Superquinn.  This shop was a bit more expensive as I was picking up specific ingredients for the baby food, including some free range chicken breasts.  When we were away I had to by some jars of food to give to the baby for practicality reasons so I know that spending a bit extra on cheese and free range chicken breasts is still cheaper than buying jars of food for him.

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